If you are struggling to make your mortgage payments you may be eligible for assistance through the Making Home Affordable Program. (HAMP for short).
What HAMP does:
If you can get in the HAMP program it lowers your monthly mortgage payments in order to make them more affordable and sustainable for the long term.
Here are the basic facts about this program:
1. It is an official program of the Department of Treasury and Housing and Urban Development.
2. It seeks to help homeowners avoid foreclosure.
3. It may lower your monthly payments for long term sustainability.
4. It is available for your primary residence and for homes and properties that are not your primary residence.
5. Not all lenders participate in this program. Here is the government list of participating lenders: http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/get-started/contact-mortgage/Pages/default.aspx
6. Explore the different programs to see which one might be right for you prior to contacting your lender or the HUD Counselor. http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/get-started/finding-the-right-program/Pages/default.aspx
7. You can work with a HUD Counselor to advise and advocate for you: You can call 888-995-HOPE (4673), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to immediately speak to an expert advisor in over 160 languages. This around-the-clock service is available completely free of charge. http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/get-started/housing-expert/Pages/default.aspx
Remember, don't be discouraged.
Keep looking and asking for help.
New programs and policies are coming about
all the time to help homeowners.
If you would like a detailed market report showing the current market value of your home, you can do so by emailing or calling Heather to make an appointment today.
These reports are extremely valuable in keeping you informed and having facts at your fingertips prior to talking with your lender.
Your report is created for you in exchange for a donation of any size to one of the charities listed at the top right corner of this page.
Best wishes,
Heather Maier
email: HeatherNovaHomes@gmail.com
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