Monday, October 7, 2013

Crime Mapping: Safety Ratings of Your New Neighborhood

It is best to be as well informed as possible when moving to a new area.

My family moved so many times for my husbands career, that I got quite good at knowing what to look for. Often we had to find and move to a new home sight unseen.  

Once, three days before our move, on a whim I googled the address of the home we would be renting.

The search engines brought up multiple news reports of a major drug bust that just occurred in that home, and how the police had been watching it for months due to gang activity.

Needless to say, there was no way I was moving my family into that house.

I had done all my research, due diligence, and thought we would be moving to safe, quiet, suburban home.   Obviously not the case!

Here are a few links you may find helpful when choosing the are you wish to live in:

None of us have any guarantees about safety or the decency of the people around us, but we can use these tools to help us make the wisest choice we can about where we want to live.

If you found this helpful please share it with a friend!

Don't forget to call Heather Maier when you are ready to buy, sell, rent or need a qualified home analysis to measure how your home value stands in this current market.

Best wishes,

Heather Maier


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Top 10 Things to Do To Sell Your Home Quickly

Once you have made the decision to sell your home, you probably want to get it sold as quickly as possible so you can move on to the next chapter in your life.

Here are Heather Maier’s top 10 suggestions to help you sell your home quickly

1.  Price it right.  This is the number one factor.

2.  Get a CMA – Comparative Market Analysis so you can make data-driven decisions and make sure you are listing your home for a price that is both fair, and will make your home sell quickly in whatever the current market conditions are.

3.  Clean up the front of your home.  First impressions count.

4.  Remove all clutter and organize. Organizing shows that your home has been well cared for.

5.  Pack up and store as much as you can.  Let your home be a blank slate for the buyers to imagine it as their own.

6.  Purge!  Get rid of all the things you don’t use, need or like.

7.  Clean. Clean everything.  Windowsills, baseboards, windows. Everything. Clean counts.

8.  Organize those closets.  Not only will this make your home more presentable for sale, but it will make things easier for your come move time.

9.  Make your kitchen spotless! Including organizing the cupboards. 

10.  Make the house smell clean, pleasant and inviting. 

These are the essential things for you to do in order to help your home sell quickly.

Are you ready to get your Custom Home Report?

Heather will prepare you a custom and detailed report in exchange for a donation of any size to one of her listed charities. CALL TODAY!

EMAIL: for more info.

CALL: 305.281.1873

Monday, September 30, 2013

What is a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)?

A Comparative Market Analysis is a handy little tool most people would like to have.

Just like all tools, they are not the same in all hands.  I use state of the art technology and databases to create usable information for you.  

    -  A CMA will provide an educated, data based approximate estimate of your homes value.

·   -  It must be produced by a trained and licensed Real Estate Professional.

·   -  While there are standards and procedures, not all CMA’s are equal.

·         I use cutting edge technology, tapping into the most up to the moment records, with computerized data analytics with experienced human interpretation to bring you the best and truest assessment of your home.


1.  It provides a good assessment of what your house could sell for.

2.  Investors and Buyers can get more detailed information and determine if the asking price really does reflect current market value before committing to buy.

3.  It helps you choose home improvements and upgrades wisely, determine which will bring you the best return on investment, and avoid over improving in the wrong areas.

4.  It helps you determine if your home value has risen enough that you may be eligible to ask for a home equity loan.

5.  It provides valuable insights and information to make your more knowlegable about your homes worth when looking at refinaincing.

6.  Some lenders may reduce your monthly mortgage payments by removing the Premium Mortgage Insurance if you can show your home value has increased, giving you no owe less than 80% of the homes current value.  (Every lender is different)

7.  It gives you first hand knowledge and about your homes value in todays current market.

You can get your custom-made Home Comparative Market Analysis in exchange for your donation of any size made directly to any charity listed in my links section. (See the top right of this page)

You will receive one custom made, comprehensive, state of the art report 
giving you a good overview of your home’s current market value.  

This service is provided by appointment only.

Reserve your place today! 

Phone: 305-281-1873